As we know today all over the world celebrating Earth Day, as it was first celebrate at 22nd of April, 1970 in United States (A poof for that they love their country).
A celebration of any day is a message that we love something, some personality, some thing, some occasion, someone. We celebrate Birthdays because we love our nearest and dearest ones, we celebrate independence day because we love independence!
Do we love our country Pakistan ( a piece of Earth) is it? everyone of us ask to himself/herself, would I love my country (Pakistan), which is a piece of earth, would we succeed to make it piece of peace. Yes we can if everyone of us start to love our country, to care our country, to care and love our nation by spreading peace being a united nation, being a united Muslim. So today all of us have to promise himself/herself that we will love our country Pakistan to give a proof that we love to Earth. Then we will be able to celebrate Earth.
As Earth Day is message for awareness and appreciation for the Earth's natural environment. So all of us have to prepare to get awareness and give awareness in our society, to make earth natural by save lives save earth by unity by a single nation.
Tanveer Hayder
Note: If you love pakistan please must comment.